Thank you for taking a look around and welcome to The Peony Project. My name is Allie Mayenschein and I am a 30 something midwestern girl born and raised in Wisconsin. I love waking up to sunshine, dirty chai lattes, puppy kisses, just because flowers, craft ciders, and adventuring near and far.

The name "The Peony Project" came simply from my love of peonies and has evolved. Peonies are complex flowers that have many layers of petals. As you will find, I have many layers to myself. All of these layers (although they may not all be pretty) make me who I am.

I started this adventure as a creative outlet for myself, and it has grown from there. For as long as I can remember, DIY, crafting and hosting parties made me so happy. From Daisy Girl Scout meetings to my college dorm room to now, I have always had a love for art and possibilities that come with creating.